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发布时间:2021-01-16 17:25 来源:琼海市融媒体中心 【字号  小   中   大



今天,中国国际电视台CGTN大屏文化栏目《culture express 》播出了由三沙卫视制作的海南方志—琼海篇,带领海内外观众走进蔡家大院与华侨农场,欣赏南洋风情建筑,品尝南洋风味美食,领略海南琼海当地的华侨文化。


(蔡家大院  Cai Mansion)


Just as the people in Western and Northeastern China used to travel far for earning a living, Qionghai people had once crossed the ocean and land, struggling to seek a fortune in Southern Asia despite multiple cultural barriers. This old house in Boao Town is the well-known Cai Mansion built by the brothers from the Cai family who had returned from overseas. Now more than half a century has passed; it’s still proudly emitting its unique charm to the world.

(蔡家大院-中国风格  Cai Mansion-Chinese Style)

(蔡家大院-南洋风格  Cai Mansion- Southeast Asia Style)

(钟勇,海南八方留客旅游文化有限公司 Zhong Yong, Hainan Bafang Liuke Tourism and Culture Co., Ltd.)


These 4 buildings, including those in the front are distinct in style. Actually, this is because the returned overseas Chinese may be distributed in different countries in Southeast Asia, which can be regarded as a gift from them - bringing back a fusion of diversified cultures. Cai Mansion is somehow the epitome of the numerous stories that have happened in countries along the Belt and Road Initiative.

(华侨农场 Overseas Chinese Farm)


Nowadays, the Cai Mansion has reproduced the prosperity of the past and become a major window for people to understand the traditions and nostalgic feelings of the overseas Chinese in Qionghai. Bincun Mountain Overseas Chinese Farm, a place featuring Southern Asia cultural vibes, is home to more than 2,000 returned overseas Chinese from 8 countries and regions including Indonesia and Vietnam. People settled here from different regions and countries. Their lifestyles and cultural characteristics overlapped, enabling the farm to develop a unique and rich cultural connotation.

(陈成明,印尼归侨 Chen Chengming, A Returned Overseas Chinese)

(九层糕 9-Layer Pastry)


This is a special pastry in Indonesia - glutinous rice pastry, it’s a 9-layer pastry made from rice flour and coconut juice. Some people like pastries and coffee at breakfast, and kept this habit until today. There's nothing more satisfying than such a breakfast.

(胡椒 Pepper)


Southern Asian cultures have gradually merged with the local culture, attracting numerous tourists to Qionghai, which unexpectedly surprised the local residents. In addition, a large number of tropical cash crops such as rubber and pepper are planted in the farm. Due to its excellent quality the farm has received an "Excellent Base for Southern Subtropical Plants" award by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. These are all the hard-won fruits of the overseas returned Chinese who took root when the farm was established in 1960.

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