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发布时间:2019-02-13 16:00 来源: 【字号  小   中   大




The red detachment of women commemorate lies in guantang , A QiongHai  entrance of east line expressuay,  The gecgraphical position is superior,easily accessible, The garden takesup an area of 200, it melts tropical conditions and customs garden,largescale sculpture, relief,song and dance performance doing shopping as an organic whole one.The garden has reproduced red life of those years  of detachment of women ,and the glory history offighting from the stockaded village of the coconut,tough banyan to Nan Ba Tian's formen residence, it seems that we have got to the past again,wecan even experience the revolutionary history of thatphase of women before more than half a centuryfrom the bodies of the always red detachment ofwomendlive. The scenery in the garden is beautiful and the environment is extolled. The whole garden immerses in being very happy and auspicious and uiet entirely. Go to HaiNan, cannot bat go to have a taste of the only detachment of women degance in china's modern revolutionary history.

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